
ASA-Threaded Manufacturer
ASA-Lap Joint
ASA-Socket Weld
Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter of Flange O Dia of Bolt Circle A Dia of Bolt Holes D No. of Holes Thickness of
Hub Length  Through Hub Bore Diameter of R/F R Depth of Socket F
Diameter of Hub E Hub of W/N X S/O & S/W Y W/N
S/O & S/W B L/J
15 95.2 66.7 15.9 4 14.3 38.1 21.33 22.2 52.4 22.3 22.3 22.8 15.70 34.9 9.5
20 117.5 82.5 19.0 4 15.9 47.6 26.67 25.4 57.1 25.4 27.7 28.1 20.80 42.9 11.1
25 123.8 88.9 19.0 4 17.5 54.0 33.40 27.0 61.9 26.9 34.5 35.0 26.60 50.8 12.7
32 133.3 98.4 19.0 4 20.6 63.5 42.16 28.6 66.7 28.4 43.2 43.6 35.00 63.5 14.2
40 155.6 114.3 22.2 4 22.2 69.8 48.26 31.7 69.8 31.7 49.5 50.0 40.80 73.0 15.8
50 165.1 127.0 19.0 8 25.4 84.1 60.31 36.5 73.0 36.5 62.0 62.4 53.30 92.1 17.4
65 190.5 149.2 22.2 8 28.6 100.0 73.02 41.3 79.4 41.1 74.7 75.4 62.40 104.8 19.0
80 209.5 168.3 22.2 8 31.8 117.5 88.90 46.0 82.5 45.9 90.7 91.4 77.90 127.0
100 273.0 215.9 25.4 8 38.1 152.4 114.30 54.0 101.6 53.8 116.1 116.8 102.20 157.2
125 330.2 266.7 28.6 8 44.4 188.9 141.30 60.3 114.3 60.4 143.8 141.5 128.10 185.7
150 355.6 292.1 28.6 12 47.6 222.2 168.27 66.7 117.5 66.5 170.7 171.4 154.00 215.9
200 419.1 349.2 31.7 12 55.6 273.0 219.07 76.2 133.3 76.2 221.5 222.2 202.70 269.9
250 508.0 431.8 34.9 16 63.5 342.9 273.05 85.7 152.4 111.2 276.3 277.3 254.50 323.8
300 558.8 488.9 34.9 20 66.7 400.0 323.85 92.1 155.6 117.3 327.1 328.1 304.80 381.0
350 603.2 527.0 38.1 20 69.9 431.8 355.60 93.7 165.1 127.0 359.1 360.1 336.50 412.7
400 685.8 603.2 41.3 20 76.2 495.3 406.40 106.4 177.8 139.7 410.5 411.2 387.30 469.9
450 742.9 654.0 44.4 20 82.6 546.1 457.20 117.5 184.1 152.4 461.8 462.2 438.10 533.4
500 812.8 723.9 44.4 24 88.9 609.6 508.00 127.0 190.5 165.1 513.1 514.3 488.90 584.2
600 939.8 838.2 50.8 24 101.6 717.5 609.60 139.7 203.2 184.1 615.9 615.9 590.50 692.1
Nominal Pipe Size Outside Diameter of Flange O Dia of Bolt Circle A Dia of Bolt Holes D No. of Holes Thickness of
Hub Length  Through Hub Bore Diameter of R/F R Depth of Socket F
Diameter of Hub E Hub of W/N X S/O & S/W Y W/N
S/O & S/W B L/J
15 120.6 82.5 22.2 4 22.2 38.1 21.33 31.7 60.3 31.7 22.3 22.8 15.70 34.9 9.5
20 130.2 88.9 22.2 4 25.4 44.4 26.67 34.9 69.8 35.0 27.7 28.1 20.80 42.9 11.1
25 149.2 101.6 25.4 4 28.6 52.4 33.40 41.3 73.0 41.1 34.5 35.0 26.60 50.8 12.7
32 158.7 111.1 25.4 4 28.6 63.5 42.16 41.3 73.0 41.1 43.2 43.6 35.00 63.5 14.2
40 177.8 123.8 28.6 4 31.8 69.8 48.26 44.4 82.5 44.4 49.5 50.0 40.80 73.0 15.8
50 215.9 165.1 25.4 8 38.1 104.8 60.31 57.1 101.6 57.1 62.0 62.4 53.30 92.1 17.4
65 244.5 190.5 28.6 8 41.3 123.8 73.02 63.5 104.8 63.5 74.7 75.4 62.40 104.8 19.0
80 241.3 190.5 25.4 8 38.1 127.0 88.90 53.9 101.6 53.8 90.7 91.4 77.90 127.0
100 292.1 234.9 31.7 8 44.4 158.7 114.30 69.8 114.3 69.8 116.0 116.8 102.20 157.1
125 349.2 279.4 35.0 8 50.8 190.5 141.30 79.3 127.0 79.2 143.7 144.5 128.10 185.7
150 381.0 317.5 31.7 12 55.6 234.9 168.27 85.8 139.7 85.8 170.6 171.4 154.00 215.9
200 469.9 393.7 38.1 12 63.5 298.4 219.07 101.6 162.0 144.3 221.4 222.2 202.70 269.8
250 546.1 469.9 38.1 16 69.8 368.3 273.05 107.9 184.1 127.0 276.3 277.3 254.50 323.8
300 609.6 533.4 38.1 20 79.3 419.1 323.85 117.4 200.0 142.7 327.1 328.1 304.80 381.0
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